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Accountants and advisors - Prevent tax headaches for you and your clients using Xero

Written by EntryCounts | May 11, 2023
This post is for accountants, bookkeepers and advisors who are Xero Partners and wish to save their clients tax headaches before the end of the financial year.

The end is looming......

In Australia, it is near the end of the financial year.

What better time to have conversations with your clients such as:

“Your final BAS instalment will be around XXX amount”

“You need to pay XXX amount into super ASAP”

“The profit should go to XXX and XXX from the trust”

“The company will have around XXX tax payable, we need to do XXX”

“Here is what happens to your tax position if you spend XXX”

Well, if you have clients on Xero, you can do that in around 15 minutes.

Introducing, the new “Tax Preventer Tool”

Or maybe I should call it the “Tax headaches reducer tool”?


How does the tax preventer work?

What this new report does is:

  1. Runs an actuals profit and loss, and forecasts the final period using averages
  2. EG - 31 March, 30 April or 31 May
  3. Then that accounting profit is transferred into the “tax preventer”.
  4. You can then make adjustments for
  5. Super expense and super payments
  6. Addbacks, deductions
  7. Expected capital expenditure
  8. Creating a taxable profit for the business
  9. That profit is then transferred to the “Income Tax Positions” report
  10. You can then add in other expected income and deductions for each person

Watch it in action!


Download an example report here

Entry Counts Tax Preventer in Xero - Example Report.pdf


We can help, you have two choices

So if you like this, we can help.

Option 1 - Do it yourself / DIY

It is pretty easy! 

Sign up to this course and get started today.

There is a FREE trial if you need a taster first.

Usually priced at $499 AUD, we are offering a 50% discount until 30 June 2019.

*****When you sign up enter this coupon "isthisdeductible" and save $250 AUD.

Option 2 - Get us to do it for you

We do it for you.

You also get the course above.

We are doing a special deal right now as well, instead of $880 we are offering a discount of $110 off until 30 June 2019.

Pay only $770 AUD

Any queries, get in touch

If you have any queries, don't forget to watch the Youtube video on our channel above or sign up to the free trial.

You can get in touch as well,


*There are more new courses coming soon too!


Donnie Buchanan